
Hydrocoop Ltd. has on an average 24 permanent employees since its foundation. It builds up gradually the work team, mostly by university graduates with orientation on company's technical activity. We have succeeded in creating a healthy and efficient structure of skilled specialists in harmony with young workers acquiring experience of older colleagues.

Among the permanent employees are ca 80 % graduates of technical universities, ca 15 % passing the high schools and technicians and ca 5 % administrative staff.

Hydrocoop Ltd. prepares the greatest part of design documentation by means of computers of newest conception with the necessary hardware and software being systematically updated and supplemented.

In addition to permanent employees Hydrocoop Ltd. engages, if needed, external specialists, above all for translations, verifying of technologic calculations mainly for wastewater treatment plants, water treatment plants simulating of sewer systems, central heating, air conditioning and the like.

In addition to works of water management and civil engineering Hydrocoop Ltd. ensures by its own employees the design of machinery engineering part of the design documentation and cost estimation.

When special problems are to be solved in the given questions our company co-operates with selected and skilled experts which solve these problems under our gestion.

The main specialized works of the design documentation, such as electrical engineering part and static analyses, are ensured in the capacity of subcontracts at renowned firms.